This tutorial shows how to use the layer addition removal features with AMI (arbitrary mesh interface) connections. In addition to proper boundary condition, schemes and linear solver settings the tutorial involves advanced capabilities of OpenFOAM® such as :
- dynamicMotionSolverTopoFvMesh,
- displacementLayeredMotion,
- layerAdditionRemoval,
- AMI setup with blockMesh,
- parametrized blockMesh dict to generate high quality structured mesh for cylinder vortex shedding analysis.
Calculation time :
- Around 1h on 4 cores
Tutorial tested for : OpenFOAM® // 2406+
- The tutorial is designed to run on 4 cores but can be easily modified to be run on the number of core chosen by the user.
- Paraview (post-processing).
CFD-training does not give any warranty to the numerical results obtained within this tutorial due to the absence of verification or validation.
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