OpenFOAM® tutorial: GPPH (planing hull) with overset


overInterDyMFoam solver


This tutorial shows how to use overset mesh techniques with OpenFOAM®. The case study (3D) model the steady resistance of a GPPH using VOF for capturing the free surface at Froud 2.6.

  • The GPPH is a famous CFD benchmark where details can be found in the reference below : Weil C.R. Lee E. and Fullerton A. Experimental results for the calm water resistance of the generic prismatic planing hull (gpph). Technical report.
  • The motions of the planing hull are generated by the 6DOF Module of OpenFOAM® (rigidBodyDynamics) with two degrees of freedom allowed: vertical translation (sinkage) and rotation (trim).
  • The tutorial uses proper numerical settings and efficient mesh strategy with snappHexMesh for inflation and free surface capturing.
  • The mesh overset technique is used to capture solid body movements and is particularly interesting for large displacements, where mesh deformation methods fail.
  • The tutorial uses the overInterDyMFoam solver (interFoam version with the mesh overset technique) introduced since the 1706+ version of OpenFOAM®.

Calculation time:

  • Around 12h on 20 cores


  • OpenFOAM®: Tested on versions 2406+. Warning, the tutorial does not work with versions (4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 etc.) from the OpenFOAM® Foundation (

  • The tutorial is designed to run on 20 cores but can be easily modified to be run on the number of core chosen by the user.
  • Paraview (post-processing).

CFD-training does not give any warranty to the numerical results obtained within this tutorial due to the absence of verification or validation.



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